Thursday, February 17, 2011

RAWR!!!! (In the middle of the night...)

So we brought forward my appointment with Dr. Paul, because I saw a tinge of mucousy pink on a tissue wipe.

I was a complete ball of nerves on the 12th of February. But phew, a small tiny sac we saw... a gestational sac, was what was printed on the scan. Only 1 cm in length, it was too small to see anything else. I was in my 5th week. So a visit was made to see Dr. Paul again, on the 26th of Feb, when I would be nearing my 8th week.

As what Trish pre-empted, I would be living day to day, in between visits, counting down and praying so hard that everything's fine. What worried me even more was, I felt slight pains on my lower left abdominal, and horrid thoughts often come into mind, e.g. possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. But research and reading up on the net told us of so many other reasons -
1. The presence of Corpus Luteum - this Cyst which helps to produce the hormone for the foetus growth until the placenta can kick into play.
2. Round Ligament stretching
3. Uterus stretching

and so on and so forth... I've read in many forums that this seems rather common in first trimester as well.

So in faith, I'm putting myself in the hands of God. Really praying hard that it's all a figment of my imagination...

Any how, I've made a weird discovery! Probably because of my fears and worries, I had my first 'pregnancy nightmare' yesterday night!! It was horrible!

I woke up screaming 'HELP' really loud which kinda worried Rob. He said I was breathing very hard and furious before I screamed out 'HELP!', after which I woke up!

It was kinda a scary dream - I was in somewhat like a holiday apartment with some others (I can't really remember or tell who), and we were sitting around in the 'living room', lounging away.

I remembered that I had some work to do, so I picked up my stuff and went into one of the rooms. As I was closing the door, a huge force pushed me backwards, and held me back. As the door was closing, I was frantically calling out 'Help! Help! Help!' before screaming my loudest, which was the one that I actually shouted out and Rob heard it.

And the rest of the day was just horrible... Neck aches, backaches and feeling real lousy.

Hopefully, my imagination and thoughts will not get wild, and in prayers I'll live, from appointments to appointments.

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